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 Hi and welcome to the affiliate page.

The page where l will fill you in as to what affiliate marketing is, and how you can make it more viable.

Well for starters affiliate marketing, (sell someone else’s product for a percentage of their profits) isn't a get-rich-quick setup, and some effort and dedication will be required.

Don't get me wrong, you can make good money with Affiliate marketing.

But you need to learn the basics first.

You can also start off with a small budget and expand when you find something that proves profitable.

You don’t need to risk large amounts, (like in a conventional business) and your overheads are more manageable.

You can work on your business whenever you want, but until you have things set up, you would need to check your sales stats, at least one every day or so.

I tend to check my stats, daily to make sure that l am optimizing my campaign and keeping my costs low.

Even when l reach the stage where l could let my campaign run by itself, l would take a look at the stats, anyway, because it is fun to tweak things to see if more savings can be seized.

This business can become addictive, especially when some campaigns start showing a profit!

And it goes without saying that if using Adwords, you need to check out the site or affiliate product fully. Sending your ad's link to a product that Adwords has barred from their advertising program, is not advisable.

Just go through their terms of service for examples, and see if the affiliated product and site meets their, (Adwords) guidelines.

And just go to the Adwords forums, etc for more relevant information.

Thank you for visiting the affiliate page!