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5  Great tips for PPC, (Pay Per Click) Marketing

If you've heard of Google Adwords (a pay per click advertising system), then you'll know that apart from it being the best paid traffic source available, it also has the potential of creating a viable business model.

But what techniques is there that give some internet marketers more of a head start than others? If you'd like to harness the awesome power of Google Adwords, and save money as well, then keep reading...

with Google Adwords, it's all about ROI - Return On Investment. You spend money to make money, just like investing in the stock market.


The great thing is, if you get the right advise and pick the right product , etc, you can show a healthy profit margin. So, without any further delays, here are 5 tips to get you started, (even if you're a total beginner)...

1. Make sure you use your keywords intelligently in your ad's and landing pages

This means in your ad title, description, landing page title,  landing page meta description and also in the body text of your landing page. This will give you a good or great quality score which will in turn reduce your cost per click on that keyword, hence opening up a bigger profit margin for you.

But don't go overboard with keywords, or you may stall the pages SEO efforts, and cause more harm than good!

And it goes without saying that all of the pages content should be unique, and relevant to the keyword the page represents.

2. Look into cheaper clicks on the Content network

You've likely seen Google ad's on other people's webpage's? Well, that's another version of PPC advertising, which anyone can use in their PPC campaigns.

All you have to do is pick the Content network option and select your placements (the types of websites you wish your ad's to appear on).

Google automatically suggests high volume websites based on the keywords you feed into it, so there's a high amount of relevance when your ads appear on these websites. The great thing about the Content network is that you can get the same ad's in your normal campaign running at a lower cost per click.

Which will open up your potential of bigger profit margins and reduce the risks of going into negative territory!

3. Start with higher costs per click

This is something many PPC advertisers overlook and can be a very effective, way to increase your long term profits. Because when you start out with higher costs per click, your ad get shown higher up in the ad listings. Therefore, you get more clicks on your ad, and this enhances the click though rate. When your click through rate increases, your quality score also increases.

When your quality score increases, your cost per click decrease!

4. Use A/B split testing.

Your quality score (and cost per click) all starts with how many times your ad gets clicked. Or if your ad doesn't get clicked as much as it could be, then you're leaving money on the table because less people will reach your offer.

So in order to increase the click through rates of your ads, you must split test different ad variations.

Google has a simple split testing feature built in, that allows you to easily set up, (or rotate) multiple ads to run for the same keyword and then you can see which ad is getting the most clicks. Then drop the low performing ad's and begin a new test against your winning ad or ad’s.

5. Fine tuning your landing page

The more relevant your landing pages are to the keyword that a visitor used to find your ad, the better. Put yourself in your visitor’s shoes...

if you were searching for “white iphone covers” in Google, then you saw an ad for “white iphone covers” you’d likely click on it?

But when you click on the ad and arrive at the website and the first ad you eventually see is "“iphone’s”, please pick a category..." then you're going to click away pretty fast. However, if you landed on this page and eventually saw an ad for "iphone covers, please select your color and style", then you've got a potential sale on your hands.

The truth is, you'll have to put in some effort to create multiple landing pages with differnet unique content, to test different keywords. But it can mean the difference between a campaign that is profitable and one that isn’t!

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